Rabu, 20 Juli 2016

Picture My Self In 2021

I was a student of Gunadarma University Faculty of Economics Department of Accounting graduating in 2017. After graduation, I will find a job according to their expertise, namely accounting. Accounting is a field of work that I enjoy. In 2021, I will become a powerful businessman by relying on my expertise in accounting. Armed with knowledge of accounting, I depat set the course of the company's finances. I will work with my best friend who are experts in the field of pharmacy to create a healthy home with full amenities. in a healthy home that we will provide a wide range of drugs and medical devices.
The healthy home I will plunge directly as an accountant to manage finances while my friend who arranged all the needs and requirements of the healthy home. We not only make the healthy home for business, but to help provide the needs of the sick and helping to reduce the unemployment rate by opening new jobs to help with the work that is in a healthy home.

Selasa, 19 Juli 2016


Once upon a time in the ocean often a fight between a shark “Sara” and a crocodile “Baya”. They fight to compete for prey. Sura and Baya fighting with the same force, so that no one wins or loses. Then they make a covenant, which divides the territory of hunting. Sura controlled the area where the waters with aquatic animals prey and Baya ruled the land with animal prey on the ground.
But the agreement did not last long. Sura run out of prey and land animals then prey with stealth. Finally, all of Sura doing  is seen by Baya and make it angry. Then a fight broke out again between Sura and Baya.
In the fight Sura base of the tail biting Baya, and Baya reply by the tail as well. But Sura ran into the ocean because his tail was almost broken. Thus Baya win to defend his territory. And until now Sura and Baya continued feuding. Therefore, the area is called Surabaya and given the symbol of sharks and crocodiles biting each other.