Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

The Ethics As Reviews

Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of phylosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. As a branch of philosophy, ethics investigates the questions "What is the best way for people to live?" and "What action are right or wrong in particular circumstances?" In practice, ethics seeks to resolve questions of human morality, by defining concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice justice and crime. As a field of intellectual enquiry, moral philosophy also is related to the fields of moral psychology, descriptive ethics, and value theory.
Ethics (Ancient Greek: "ethikos", is meaning "arising from habit") is a something where and how the main branch of philosophy that studies the value or quality becomes a study on standards and moral judgments. Ethics includes the analysis and application of the concept like right, wrong, good, bad, and responsibility. St. John of Damascus (7th century AD) put ethics in the study of practical philosophy (practical philosophy). Ethics begins when people reflect on the elements of ethical opinions of our spontaneous. The need for reflection that we will feel, partly because of ethical opinion we are not infrequently different from the opinions of others. That's necessary ethical, that to find out what should be done by humans.
Methodologically, not every case assess the actions can be regarded as ethical. Ethics requires a critical attitude, methodical, and systematic reflection. That's why ethics is a science. As a science, the object of ethics is human behavior. However, unlike other sciences are also examining human behavior, ethics has a normative standpoint. That ethics viewed from the point of good and bad to human actions. Ethics is divided into three main parts: meta-ethics (study of the concept of ethics), normative ethics (the study of ethical value determination), and applied ethics (study of the use of ethical values).

In the history of human civilization since the fourth century BC thinkers have tried to define the various shades of ethical foundation to guide social life. Thinkers have identified at least there are hundreds of ideas the great (great ideas). The whole idea or the grand idea can be summarized into six principles that are an important cornerstone of ethics, namely beauty, equality, kindness, justice, freedom, and truth.
1.      Principle of Beauty
This principle underlies everything that includes the enjoyment of pleasure to beauty. Based on this principle, people pay attention to the values ​​of beauty and want to show something wonderful in his behavior. For example in dress, spatial planning, and so making it more eager to work.
           2.      The principle of Equation
Every human being by nature have rights and responsibilities are the same, so it appears the demand to equality between men and women, racial equality and equality in various other fields. This principle underlies behavior diskrminatif on any basis.
           3.      Principle of Goodness
This principle underlies the behavior of individuals to always seek to do good in their interaction with their environment. This principle is usually respect of human values ​​such as respect- respect, compassion, helping others, and so forth. Humans by nature always want to do good, because by doing good he will be accepted by the environment. Governance and service provided to the public in fact aims to create the good of society.
           4.      Principles of Justice
Fixed and eternal willingness to give everyone what they should get. Therefore, this principle underlies a person to act in a fair and proportionate and do not take anything into the rights of others.
           5.      The principle of Freedom
As the freedom of individuals to act or not act according to his own choice. In the principle of life and human rights, every human being has the right to do things according to his own will does not damage or interfere with the rights of others. Therefore, every freedom should be accompanied by responsibility so that people do not take action arbitrarily to others. For that individual freedom here interpreted as:
• the ability to do something or make a selection.
• capabilities that allow humans to melaksana-kan these choices.
• the ability to account for his actions.
           6.      Principles of Truth
Truth is usually used in the logic of science that emerged from the ideas of logical / rational. Truth must be proven and shown that the truth can be believed by the individual and society. Not every truth can be accepted as true if it has not been proven.
All the principles that have been described it is a basic precondition in the development of ethical values ​​or code of conduct in relations between individuals, individuals with society, government, and so on. Ethics is structured as a rule of law that will regulate people's lives, communities, organizations, government agencies, and employees should really be able to ensure the creation of beauty, equality, kindness, justice, freedom, and truth for everyone.
      1. Ethics Teleology
Teleology is derived from the Greek telos which means purpose. In terms of measuring the merits of an action that is based on the objectives to be achieved, or by the impact of the actions which have been performed. In teleology tori there are two streams, namely.
• ethical egoism: The core view of selfishness is the act of every person basically aims to pursue personal interests and promote yourself.
Example: Anto who always worked hard in the company A to pursue the highest position.
• Utilitarianism: Derived from the Latin utilis which has a useful meaning. According to this theory, an act has a good sense if you bring benefit to the whole community (The greatest happiness of the greatest number).
Example: Andi in his village to build a cooperative to help some people in his village
      2. Deontology
Deontology comes from the Greek deon which means obligations. If there is a question "Why is this good deed and that action must be rejected as bad?". Then Deontology will answer "because the first act is our obligation and arena both prohibited acts". Deontological approach has been accepted by religion and is one of the important ethical theories.
Example: Andi Moslem worship must pass the appropriate teaching.
      3. Theory of Rights
In the current moral thought, the theory of rights is the most widely used approach to evaluate the merits of an act or behavior. The theory of this right is an aspect of deontological theory as it relates to liability. Rights based on human dignity and the dignity of all human beings are equal. Therefore, the right fits perfectly with the atmosphere of democratic thought.
Example: An employee who receives a salary every month as her rights
      4. Theory of Virtue (Virtue)
In the theory of the virtues looking attitude or character of a person. The virtues can be defined as the disposition of the character that has been acquired someone and allowing someone to behave morally.
• Wisdom: A corporate leader must be wise to take decisions in the enterprise
• Justice: Parents who have two children, they should be able to fairly treat their children so that there is no envy
• Hardworking: Andi working hard to achieve its goals
• The good life: Andi the Islamic religion should have a good life wherever located.
Ethical egoism is the normative ethical position that moral agents ought to do what is in their own self-interest. It differs from pyschological egoism,  which claims that people can only act in their self-interest. Ethical egoism also differs from rational egoism, which holds that it is rational to act in one's self-interest. Ethical egoism holds that actions whose consequences will benefit the doer can be considered ethical.
Ethical egoism contrasts with ethical altruism, which holds that moral agents have an obligation to help others. Egoism and altruism both contrast with ethical utilitarianism, which holds that a moral agent should treat one's self (also known as the subject) with no higher regard than one has for others (as egoism does, by elevating self-interests and "the self" to a status not granted to others). But it also holds that one should not (as altruism does) sacrifice one's own interests to help others' interests, so long as one's own interests (i.e. one's own desires or well-being) are substantially equivalent to the others' interests and well-being. Egoism, utilitarianism, and altruism are all forms of consequentialism, but egoism and altruism contrast with utilitarianism, in that egoism and altruism are both agent-focused forms of consequentialism  (i.e. subject-focused orsubjective). However, utilitarianism is held to be agent-neutral (i.e. objective and impartial): it does not treat the subject's (i.e. the self's, i.e. the moral "agent's") own interests as being more or less important than the interests, desires, or well-being of others.
Ethical egoism does not, however, require moral agents to harm the interests and well-being of others when making moral deliberation; e.g. what is in an agent's self-interest may be incidentally detrimental, beneficial, or neutral in its effect on others. individualism allows for others' interest and well-being to be disregarded or not, as long as what is chosen is efficacious in satisfying the self-interest of the agent. Nor does ethical egoism necessarily entail that, in pursuing self-interest, one ought always to do what one wants to do; e.g. in the long term, the fulfillment of short-term desires may prove detrimental to the self. Fleeting pleasure, then, takes a back seat to protracted eudaimonia. In the words ofJames Rachels, "Ethical egoism [...] endorses selfishness, but it doesn't endorse foolishness."
Ethical egoism is often used as the philosophical basis for support of right-libertarianism and individualist anarchism. These are political positions based partly on a belief that individuals should not coercively prevent others from exercising freedom of action.
Egoism is a motivation to maintain and improve the view that only benefit themselves. Egoism means putting yourself in the middle of the goal and do not care about the suffering of others, including his beloved or who is considered a close friend. Another term is "selfish". The opposite of selfishness is altruism.
It is closely related to narcissism, or "love yourself," and the tendency may be to talk or write about themselves with a sense of arrogant and length. Egoism can coexist with their own interests, even at the time of the rejection of others. Smug is a character trait that describes a person who acts to gain value in an amount more than he gives to others. Egoism is often done by utilizing altruism, irasionalitasdan ignorance of others, as well as leveraging the power of yourself and / or ingenuity to deceive.
Egoism is different from altruism, or act to get less than a given value, and egoism, the belief that the values ​​obtained from the more be given. Various forms of "empirical egoism" can be the same as selfishness, for the value of the individual benefits yourself is still considered to be perfect.
Business ethics is a set of principles / rules / norms to be followed when running a business. Ethics as a norm within a business group will be a reminder of member businesses to one another about an appreciable act (good conduct) must always be complied with and implemented. Ethics in business is certainly to be agreed upon by those who are in the relevant business environment.
Business ethics issues related to the assessment of the activities and business conduct which refers to the truth or honesty seeks (business). Truth is meant here is the ethical standards that are generally accepted and recognized principles by the public, companies and individuals. The Company believes the principles of good business is ethical business, namely business with superior performance and continuous run by obeying the rules of ethics in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
For the creation of business ethics in accordance with noble character, there are some that need to be considered, among others:

    Tenggung development of social responsibility
    Maintaining identity
    Create a healthy competition
    Applying the concept of sustainable development.

The things that should be avoided for the creation of good business ethics in the attitude of avoiding 5K

    Collusion, and

Companies that constitute the business environment is also an organization that has a structure yag clear enough in its management. there is a lot of interaction between individuals and institutions involved in it. With so tendency to conflict and opening of fraud is very likely to occur. both at management level or personal in each team and the company's relationship with the surrounding environment. for the ethics of turns required as the control policy, in the interest of the company itself. The obligation of the company is pursuing a variety of long-term goals that are good for society.

Ethical Governance
Governance System
Ethical Governance (Ethics of Government) is the Doctrine to behave properly in accordance with the values ​​associated with the primacy of human nature. In Ethical Governance (Ethics of Government) there are also issues of decency and politeness in the apparatus, apparatus, structures and institutions. Decency is a rule of life that comes from the hearts of men. Human conscience determines which actions are good and bad, depending on their personality or identity of each. Humans do good or do bad because the whisper of conscience (consience of man).
Encourage human decency for good behavior, for example, loving parents, teachers, leaders and others, in addition to the decency forbid people to do a crime like stealing, immoral acts and others. Decency is derived from the ethos and esprit that exist in the conscience. The sanctions were violated ethics is the human mind itself, like remorse, anxiety and others. Witnesses for those who violate decency is from within, not imposed from the outside and is autonomous. Courtesy is the rule of life that arise because they want to please others, outsiders, the daily life of society, self-governing and others. Politeness is basically decorum, decency, habits, concern, kesenonohan prevailing in the association (society, government, nation and state). Modesty also called courtesy, manners, customs, costume, habit. If morality is addressed to the inner attitude (inner), then courtesy emphasis to the attitude of birth (outwardly) of each subject culprit, for the sake of order and people's lives in the association. The purpose is not personal but social human beings (communal, community, society, group, govern and others), the lives of the people, government and nation. Penalties for violation of decency is received reproach in the midst of the environmental community, where he is, for example, ostracized socially. Sanctions imposed by outsiders (the norm, kaedah there and live in the community). Courtesy sanctions imposed by outsiders because it is heretonom. Particularly in times of crisis or change, governance and fundamental ethical principles in society are often questioned and the gap between the ideal and the reality is challenged. Not to mention, we understand the discussion as the Government Ethics discourse runs in a shared understanding of what makes it good governance, and the concrete steps which must be done in order to depart from the common consensus into practical rule it is an indicator of democracy and multidimensional society.

Ethical culture
An overview of the company, reflect the personality of their leaders are ethical culture of ethical behavior. The application of ethical culture dilakukansecara top-down. Implementation steps:
Application of Culture
Corporate Ethics Credo: concise statement about the values ​​espoused and upheld the company.
Internal Commitment:
· Company against employees
· Employees of the company
· Employee against another employee.
External Commitment:
· Company to customers
· The Company's shareholders
· Company on society

Application of Ethical Culture
Ethics Program: The system was designed and implemented to direct employees to implement corporate credo.
Example: ethics audit Code of Ethics
· More than 90% of companies make the code of conduct that specifically used the company in carrying out its activities.
Example: IBM makes IBM's Business Conduct Guidelines (IBM Business Conduct Guide).

Behavioral ethics in the accounting profession
Rise and growth of the public accounting profession in a country is in line with the development of the company and the various forms of legal entities in the country. If companies in a developing country such that it does not just need the capital from its owners, but began to require capital from lenders, and if it arises various companies form limited liability company whose capital comes from the community, public accounting firm start is required and develop. Of the public accounting profession is public creditors and investors expect an impartial independent assessment of the information presented in the financial statements by management of the company.
Public accounting profession produces a wide range of services to the people, namely service assurance, attestation services, and services nonassurance. Service assurance is an independent professional services that improve the quality of information for decision makers. Attestation services consist of audit, inspection (examination), review, and agreed procedures (the agreed upon procedure). Attestation services is a statement of opinion, consideration of an independent and competent person on whether the assertion of an entity in accordance in all material respects, with the criteria established. Nonassurance services are services produced by a public accountant in which he did not give an opinion, negative beliefs, a summary of findings, or other forms of belief. Examples nonassurance services produced by the public accounting profession is a compilation services, taxation services, consulting services.
In general auditing is a systematic process to obtain and evaluate evidence objectively about the state of economic events, with the aim to establish the level of concordance between the statement with the established criteria, as well as the delivery of the results to the user concerned. The terms of the independent auditor, auditing is an objective examination of the financial statements of a company or other organization with the goal to determine whether the financial statements present fairly the financial condition and results of operations of the company or organization.
Public accounting profession is responsible for raising the level of reliability of the financial statements of these companies, so that the financial community obtain reliable financial information as a basis for deciding the allocation of economic resources.
Professional Ethics for Public Accounting Profession
Any profession that provides services to the community needs the trust of the communities it serves. Public confidence in the quality of public accounting services would be higher, if the profession is to apply high quality standards for the implementation of professional work carried out by members of the profession. Ethics rules Compartment Public Accountants is a professional ethics for accountants who practice as a public accountant Indonesia. Ethics rules Compartment Public Accountants sourced from Ethical Principles established by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants. In konggresnya 1973, the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) for the first time establish a code of ethics for professional accountants Indonesia, then refined in Congress IAI 1981, 1986.1994, and the last in 1998. Professional Ethics issued by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants in the congress of the year 1998 was named the Indonesian Accountants Association Code of Ethics.
CPAs is a practicing accountant in a public accounting firm, which provides various types of services regulated under the Public Accountants Professional Standards, namely auditing, attestation, accounting and review, and consulting services. Independent auditor is a public accountant who carry out audits of historical financial statements that provide audit services on the basis of auditing standards set forth in the Public Accountants Professional Standards. Indonesian Institute of Accountants Code of Conduct translated into Public Accountants Compartment Ethics to regulate the behavior of accountants who are members of IAI who practiced in the public accounting profession.

1. Accounting as a profession and the role of accountants.
The accounting profession is a profession that provides attestation services and non-
Attestation to the public with limited code of conduct that exist. Accounting as a profession have an obligation to ignore the interests of personal and professional ethics to follow predetermined. Obligations as a professional accountant has three obligations, namely; competence, objectivity and prioritize integrity. What is meant by the accounting profession are all occupations that use skills in accounting, including field work public accountants, internal accountants who work on industrial companies, finance or trade, an accountant who worked in the government, and accountants as educators.
In a narrow sense, the accounting profession is the scope of work performed by accountants as a public accountant that typically consists of the work of audit, accounting, tax and management consulting.
ROLE accountant in a company can not be separated from the application prinsipGood Corporate Governance (GCG) in the company. Covering the principles of fairness (fairness), accountability (accountability), transparency (transparency), and responsibility (responsibility).
The role of accountants, among others:

1. Public Accountants (Public Accountants)
Public accountant or also known as the external auditor is independent accountants yangmemberikan his services on the basis of certain payments. They work freely and umumnyamendirikan an accounting firm. Which is included in the category of public accountant is an accountant who worked in public accounting (KAP) and in practice as a certified public accountant and set up the office accountant, one must obtain permission from DepartemenKeuangan. A certified public accountant can perform the examination (audit), for example against jasaperpajakan, management consulting services, and drafting services management system.

2. Accounting Intern (Internal Accountant)
Internal accountant is an accountant who works in a company or organization. Akuntanintern is also called the company's accountants or management accountants. The position can be occupied from regular staff to the Head of Accounting or Finance Director. their task is to prepare the accounting systems, preparing financial reports to external parties, to prepare financial statements to corporate leaders, preparing budgets, handling tax matters and internal audit.

3. The Government Accountants (Government Accountants)
Government accountants are accountants who work in government institutions, such as the office of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

4. Accounting Educators
Accounting educators are accountants who served in accounting education, research and development of accounting, teaching, and develop accounting education curriculum in college.

2. Public expectations.
The people generally say as professional accountants in particular in the field of accounting. Because they have a skill that is more in the field than the layman so that people hope that the accountants can comply with the standards and values ​​prevailing at the same time the environment of the accounting profession, so that people can rely on the belief in a given job. In this case, an accountant employed by an organization or KAP, there will be no statutory or contractual responsibility towards the owner of the company or publik.Walaupun Thus, as responsibilities on employers, public professional accountant mengekspektasikannya to defend the values ​​of honesty, integrity , objectivity and pentingannya rights and responsibilities within the company

3. Value - Value engineering ethics Vs accountant / auditing.
- Integrity: actions and words showed his profession perpetrators of transparency,
honesty and consistent.
- Cooperation: have the ability to work alone or in teams
- Innovation: professional actors were able to add value to the customer and work process
with the new method.
- Simplicity: professional actors capable of providing solutions to any problems that arise, and
a complex problem becomes simpler.
Accounting techniques are specific rules derived from the principles accountant explain the transactions and certain events faced by the accounting entity.

4. Conduct ethics in the provision of public accounting services.
Of the public accounting profession is public creditors and investors expect free Impartial assessment of the information presented in the financial statements by management companies. Public accounting profession produces a wide range of services for the community, namely:
- Service assurance is an independent professional services which increase the quality of information for decision
- Attestation Services consist of audit, inspection (examination), review, and agreed procedures (the agreed upon procedure).
- Services attestation is a statement of opinion, consideration of the Independent and competent about whether the assertion of an entity in accordance In all material respects, with the criteria established.
- Nonassurance services are services produced by public accountants Yang in which he did not
give an opinion, negative beliefs, a summary of findings, or other forms of belief.
Any profession that provides services to the community needs the trust of the communities it serves. Public confidence in the quality of public accounting services would be higher, if the profession is to apply high quality standards for the implementation of professional work carried out by members of the profession. Ethics rules Compartment Public Accountants is a professional ethics for accountants who practice as a public accountant Indonesia. Ethics rules Compartment Public Accountants sourced from Ethical Principles established by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants.
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